
The Gargano Park: a unique route between nature and history in Apulia

Cape Gargano is often called a world unto itself, a paradise of colors and nature, one of a kind. Inside lies the Gargano National Park in Apulia, covering some 118 thousand hectares, where you can find more than 35% of the species Italian botanicals; these are just some of the figures that serve to have at least a vague idea of ​​what this natural environment can offer. Established in early 1990s, in fact, it boasts the biodiversity national record with an incredible concentration of living forms in an area equal to only 1% of the entire Italian territory.

Delving into the Gargano National Park is a bit like being in one of those pleasantly confused dreams, from which it is difficult to wake up. Here, scenarios belonging to the forest, the sea and the mountains meet and unite, with flora, fauna, millennial history and religious culture, all to discover in depth.

Cape Gargano can’t be simply told: it has to be lived. Lived in person to learn at least a small part of it... between the sun and the salt, among the flavors of its cuisine and its folk festivals, including the wildlife and the history that emerges from small villages. For a scenario that will move you, in all seasons.

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